Thursday, September 26, 2013

Your Mother, Your Body

Within this article, we found a continuous pressure to be beautiful through your body. Rather than this pressure coming from our society, we see it more so through our mothers. A mother's nature since day one is to give their children nutrients through themselves. From breastfeeding to supplying their children with nutrients, it is their number one priority within motherhood to give the best form of health.


Depending on the mother's body image, it is reflected upon their daughter. For example, a heavy mother dresses her daughter in tight and body-hugging clothing to accentuate her body. She does this to, in a way, live vicariously through her daughters weight. This mother did not have the opportunity to wear flattering clothes because she had always been overweight. Another example we saw in the article was a grandmother telling her granddaughter to "suck it in" when she tried on a bathing suit. Her grandmother's words were instilled in the back of her head, leading to anorexia. This is just one of many ways an eating disorder is developed. Our mother's words mean the most to us because we trust their honesty. 

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